COMPONO - (Verb - Latin) Arrange, compile, compose, make up, construct, organize...

It's amazing how quickly life can change.  It seems like just yesterday I was a young woman interested in the latest fashion trends, travel, and generally anything in the world besides the idea of starting a family.  Fast forward a few years and through life's many twist and turns I’m now a full-time mom running a household with 2 small children.  

For more school organizing tips, check Time To Go Back To School : Learn a proper organization method with help from COMPONO now!

mom reading story to kids

It's an endless cycle of waking them for school, coaxing them to get dressed, driving to and from a barrage of sporting lessons, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, sleep, and repeat!    

Of course, it's the most fulfilling job on the planet, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!  ...but some days, oh some days...

The idea of being a business owner had never crossed my mind.  What was constant was trying to ensure I made it through the day while keeping the wheels on the tracks.  I quickly realized there was a gap between where I was, and where I wanted to be.  I needed simple solutions to life’s regular headaches. 

lady boss signage on white table

Given the small size of our previous living situation one of the regular headaches I had was simply finding a place to store all documents as they came in.  I had grown tired of tripping over the old filing cabinet.  In looking for a solution it dawned on me to utilize existing space in a new way, and our first product idea was born; the over door hanging File Folder Organizer.  And from this idea COMPONO was born with the simple mission of...

Make. Life. Simple.



 For more school organizing tips, check Time To Go Back To School : Learn a proper organization method with help from COMPONO now!

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