11 Different Types of Strollers

Strollers are one of the most essential baby gear items for parents with young children. They offer a convenient and safe way to transport babies and toddlers, making it easier for parents to go out and about with their little ones.

There are many different types of strollers available on the market today, each with its own unique features and benefits. In this blog, we will explore the different categories of strollers that exist to help parents choose the right one for their needs.

Standard Strollers

Standard strollers are the most common type of stroller and are suitable for everyday use. They are typically designed to accommodate children from birth up to around 50 pounds and come with a wide range of features, such as adjustable handles, reclining seats, and storage baskets.

Stroller sitting in the middle of the mall

Standard strollers are available in both single and double models, making them ideal for families with one or more children.

Jogging Strollers

Jogging strollers are designed for active parents who enjoy jogging or running. They are equipped with three large wheels that provide stability and support while jogging, and have a lightweight yet sturdy frame that can handle rough terrain.

Jogging strollers usually have adjustable handles, hand brakes, and a fixed front wheel to ensure a smooth and safe ride. These strollers are suitable for children from six months to around 75 pounds.

Umbrella strollers

Umbrella strollers are lightweight, compact strollers that are easy to fold and carry around. They are ideal for travel or for parents who need a stroller that is easy to store in small spaces.

Umbrella Stroller with a white background

Umbrella strollers typically have a simple design with minimal features, such as a single recline position and a small storage basket. They are best suited for children who can sit up on their own, usually from around six months to 50 pounds.

Double Strollers

Double strollers are designed for families with two young children. They can either have two seats side-by-side or one seat in front of the other, depending on the model.

Double strollers can be either standard or jogging strollers, and they often come with features such as adjustable handles, reclining seats, and storage baskets. Some double strollers can also be converted into single strollers by removing one of the seats.

Double Stroller in red

Travel System Strollers

Travel system strollers are a combination of a stroller and a car seat that can be used together to make traveling with a baby more convenient. The car seat attaches to the stroller frame, allowing parents to move the baby from the car to the stroller without disturbing them.

Travel system strollers usually come with additional features, such as a larger storage basket and adjustable handles.

All-terrain Strollers

All-terrain strollers are designed for parents who love outdoor activities and want to take their children with them. They are equipped with large, air-filled tires that can handle any type of terrain, from rocky paths to sandy beaches.

mom pushing baby in all terrain stroller

All-terrain strollers usually have adjustable handles, hand brakes, and a suspension system that provides a smooth ride for the baby. They are suitable for children from six months to around 75 pounds.

Convertible Strollers

Convertible strollers are designed to grow with your child, from infancy to toddlerhood. They can be used as a bassinet for newborns, then converted into a regular stroller as the baby grows.

Convertible strollers often have adjustable handles, reclining seats, and a large storage basket. They are a great investment for parents who want a stroller that can be used for several years.

Sit-and-stand Strollers

Sit-and-stand strollers are designed for families with a toddler and a baby. They have a regular stroller seat for the baby and a platform at the back for

the toddler to stand or sit on. Sit-and-stand strollers usually have adjustable handles, reclining seats, and a large storage basket. They are a great option for parents who want to accommodate the needs of both their children without having to buy two separate strollers.

Carriage Strollers

Carriage strollers, also known as prams or bassinet strollers, are designed for newborns and infants. They have a large, flat surface for the baby to lie on, and usually come with a removable bassinet that can be used as a portable sleeping area.

Yellow Carriage Stroller

Carriage strollers typically have a sturdy frame, large wheels, and a canopy to protect the baby from the sun. They are not suitable for toddlers, as they do not have a regular stroller seat.

Three-wheeled Strollers

Three-wheeled strollers are similar to jogging strollers but are designed for everyday use. They have a larger front wheel that provides stability and support, and are suitable for all types of terrain.

3-Wheeled Stroller

Three-wheeled strollers usually have adjustable handles, reclining seats, and a storage basket. They are suitable for children from six months to around 75 pounds.


There are many different types of strollers available on the market today, each with its own unique features and benefits. When choosing a stroller, it is important to consider your lifestyle, your child's age and weight, and your budget. Whether you are looking for a stroller for everyday use or for outdoor activities, there is a stroller out there that will meet your needs.

Most important is protecting whatever stroller you invested in when traveling. We offer the COMPONO Stroller Bag, to help protect your investment.

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